When I started working on the site just before Memorial Day weekend, I thought for sure that it would take me ALL SUMMER LONG to build. But sometimes the stars align and the planets synchronize and the birds sing and VOILA! things happen FAST!
And so it was with the NEW Deviantly Domesticated!
Look who's been around my place lately... And what do you suppose they've been up to?
(ahem...let's just say it has something to do with the "birds and the bees," although technically no bees have been involved.) Oh...and they've also been building a nice little residence right above my front door.
We've been referring to it as the "mud hut" since they started construction last week. They've been very industrious and have finished the exterior work since I snapped this action shot.
Now it appears that the lady of the hut has devoted herself to some interior design while Mr. Hut looks on and keeps his mouth shut (smart man).
And judging by the (ahem) "recreational" activities we've caught them engaging in on top of the gutter, I'm guessing that the eggs are on their way shortly.
I can't believe that summer is already here! It seems like just yesterday that I was preparing for the holidays, and now it's time for swimsuits and beach towels and mindless fiction (hooray!).
For me, summer is always a time for fun and a fresh burst of creative energy! Which is why there are TWO important things I want to share with your today regarding this summer!
NUMBER ONE: I am creating a BRAND NEW HOME for Deviantly Domesticated (YAY!) and I am REALLY excited about it! You see, for a very long time I've been searching for a way to make the ideas on this blog come to life beyond my little home office and into the lives of other women. I want all of us to be "deviantly domesticated" and to wildly flourish in the life beyond the 9-5 norm. SO...this new site will have all of the usual projects, posts and photos from me, BUT it will also have some compelling new features for YOU too! (I can't wait!)
NUMBER TWO: But before the new site is up, I'll be busy-as-a-bee building its new home, and so I'm going to tweak my summer posting routine a bit. Translation: I probably won't be updating every day.
But WAIT!you might be thinking. We read everyday! What are we going to do!? Well, I'm glad you asked, because I have a plan! Rest assured that I'll still be here working every day, and I have THREE fun, alternative ways for you to stay inspired and in touch. They are:
:: Email! I am going to be enhancing my email newsletter for the summer, meaning more emails, projects, photos, etc. In other words, you'll see a lot of the same content that I normally post on this blog (PLUS updates on the new site!!) only it will be delivered directly to your inbox instead. SOOOO...if you aren't signed up for my newsletter, DO IT NOW! (CLICK HERE)
:: Facebook & Twitter! I might not be updating here daily, but you can bet that I will be on FB and Twitter daily, uploading photos and links and making pithy statements. So for a daily dose of Steph, just visit me HERE (Facebook) and HERE (Twitter)!
:: Flickr! I've created TWO inspirational groups for you to visit and participate in during the summer (and beyond!)--Crafty Girl and In the Kitchen. I'll be uploading all my summer project photos & tasty food images to these groups, and hope that you will do the same! Visit HERE (Crafty Girl) and HERE (In the Kitchen) to get started now!
If you haven't caught on by now, I'm pretty excited about the future, and am actually looking forward to working this summer! (I know--crazy, right?) So without further adieu, I will leave you to do just that! You'll be hearing from me soon!