Monday, July 7, 2008

Me? An Economic Leader?

Hello!  Welcome back after a long holiday weekend.  Hope you all enjoyed it!  

Before launching into this week's series of posts, I want to recap from last week.  As I wrote last Monday, I'm starting a whole month's worth of discussions on women and community leadership, and will be introducing some new concepts, as well as new resources.  

Last week we talked about community leadership and the "I'm Rooted" campaign on  I wanted to end that discussion by mentioning that I had a great time spending the week thinking and writing about female leadership, and that I compiled all of my thoughts into an online resource found by clicking here.  This small "treatise" on leadership can be downloaded and forwarded to others, or printed and mailed.  My hope is that you'll take advantage of the "write it out" and "talk it out" activities, as well as the "3 weeks to rooted" calendar.  Even more, I hope you'll write to me at and share your thoughts and ideas on community leadership.  

That said, I am going to transition the conversation to the next topic: the SHEconomy.  I've mentioned that term on this blog a couple times before, but want to spend the whole week talking about it in more detail.  So, for starters, those of you who follow my current event blog, Cigars in the Parlour, know that I like to write about economics.  Now, I recognize that the economy is by all accounts a fairly boring topic, and one that is intimidating and difficult to get into.  Rest assured, I am Not an economic expert, and therefore won't even attempt to talk about it like one.  I am however, very interested in it.  And very convinced that we as women have a great opportunity to lead in it.  In fact, we have an opportunity to put our own feminine stamp on it.  A stamp I like to call the SHEconomy.  

The SHEconomy is not meant to replace the traditional economy that is currently buzzing about around us.  Rather, it is intended to provide some balance to the way it operates.  We women are particularly good at balancing things out, and the economy should be no exception.

Therefore, my hope is that by the end of this week you'll:
* no longer be intimidated by the economy
* recognize your potential as an economic leader in the SHEconomy, and
* take some time to contemplate how you're going to start walking out your leadership

First step will be to peek into some of the...ahem..."testosterone" qualities of the economy as it currently operates, and contemplate how some "femininity" might give it a boost.  Stay tuned tomorrow to read more!

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