Thursday, May 6, 2010

Share Your Story: Trisha

photos courtesy of FoCo Girls Gone Derby Flickr photostream
One of my goals for this space is to start hearing more inspirational stories from you! So to kick off this goal, I want to introduce you to Trisha. I met her earlier this spring and we sat down and talked over coffee about life, weight, values and roller derby. Read below for my interview with Trisha:

You mentioned that just over a year ago you were an entirely different person--overweight and working in a job you didn’t enjoy. What changed? What was the turning point?
Well, I was home for Christmas and went in to see my doctor for an annual appointment and was stunned when she told me that I was pre-diabetic and needed to make some serious changes in my life. At that time I was 20 years old and 100 pounds overweight. It was a wake-up call.

Looking back, how did you get to that point?
I didn’t do a good job of taking care of myself. When I was younger--a teenager--I was extremely independent and had a lot of responsibility. I worked a lot, helped with my family, and went to school. I had to think about the needs of others more than my own. Then when I left home for college, I experienced unlimited freedom for the first time. I didn’t have to think about anyone but myself. So I went to the opposite extreme--eating and drinking anything I wanted, going to school, working 3 jobs. The weight just crept on.

So you’re saying that you started thinking about yourself for the first time...but in all the wrong ways?


How did you start losing weight?
I participated in a very strict nutrition program. We had to record everything we ate and attend weekly weigh-in’s. It was hard, but really worked for me. I also set a reward for myself: if I reached my weight-loss goal, I could start training for roller derby.

That’s an unconventional reward! Why derby?

I attended a bout with my friend and just loved it. At that time I was actively searching for some active hobbies since most of the things I liked to do were pretty sedentary, and derby seemed like a great fit. I’ve been training now for several months and am almost eligible to bout.

What is your derby name going to be?

Osh-Kosh-Bi-otch. And just to do a little advertising--this weekend we are hosting another bout, and I'd love everyone local to come and check it out! (click here for details)

You mention the word “balance” a lot. Why is balance so important to you, and how has finding it changed your life?
Well, it started with my weight-loss. During that time I had to be really mindful about everything I was putting into my mouth, and it forced me to learn moderation--to think about everything in my life differently. And then it just trickled into the other parts of my life from there.

You also talk a lot about giving back. Why is that so important to you?

I was raised to be mindful of others, and it’s really important to me to make time to volunteer. Right now I’m helping out at an animal shelter. I think everyone needs a cause.

You know--you’re not the average 22-year old...
I know. I want to help people, and I think that I can start by just being a good role model. People are always watching you, and you can influence them just by setting a good example. I have younger siblings, and it’s really important to me that I am a strong role model for them. It is one of the things that motivates me the most.

Thank you, Trisha, for sharing your story! I think you are a good role model, and I can't wait to see you on skates!

Do you have an inspiring story to share? Maybe about how you quit your job to pursue your passion, or lost weight, or started a new & exciting hobby, or got involved in a cause-- We'd love to hear about it! Click here to learn more, or email me at!

For more information about roller derby, including the upcoming bout THIS SATURDAY, click here!

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