Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Festival!

I spent some time this weekend enjoying one of my favorite bookends to the summer--the annual street festival my town hosts.

Hundreds of people pack into downtown where they can view the merchandise from regional vendors, learn about local social clubs/organizations, listen to live music, ride carnival rides. and eat festival food! It is pure summer enjoyment right before school starts up again!

I love the festival because it is a good way to meet new community member
s, including small children who are apparently wild about small dogs. Our furry friend attracted at least half a dozen munchins eager to coo and pet. She was sooo popular.

And a good way to support local organizations and charities.

And it's a chance to eat novelty foods, like fresh mini donuts, which my friend swears are the "cutest things ever!"

And to smell the smoky goodness of grilling waft through the streets...

Don't forget the people watching. It's one of my favorite summer festival pastimes--

Last, but certainly not least, it is the one time a year that my husband gets to eat a turkey leg. He loves them. So much so that he made me promise to put a ziploc bag in my purse so that I could bring one home for him. And let me tell you--I felt pretty silly stuffing a huge turkey leg into the bag and then into my purse!

But his happy smile was worth it when I got home.

Now we'll have to wait another year-
-and through another great summer--to enjoy the festival again!

Hope your August is filling up with good memories, too!

Previous Related Posts:
Soaking up to the End!
My End-of-Summer Reading List
Weekend Plans, sans internet

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