Monday, August 3, 2009

Soaking Up to the End

Every August it’s always the same. I wake up around the first of the month, look at the calendar, and panic. Where did the summer go!? I ask, alarmed. I feel like I blinked my eyes and now it’s almost over!

So, I’ve implemented a trend over the past couple of years. It is the “I’m going to squeeze every last drop out of summer” plan where I try to make up
for days missed by the pool, and I linger longer on my balcony to watch the stars while the nights are still warm, and eat as many popsicles and fruit desserts as possible. All in an attempt to make sure I appreciate the final days of the season before autumn rolls around.

Naturally, this year is no exception, and so my posts here--as they did last August--will reflect my earnest attempts at soaking up the last of the sunshine. I’ll be sharing photos from my late summer garden and will no doubt oogle over some divine desserts. And post wistfully about summer fashion and leisure before sundresses are replaced by bomber jackets and picnics by football games.

So please join me as Retro Summer ’09 enters its final weeks, and I attempt to make them count!

Previous Related Posts:
A Poodle Skirt Summer
My Community Staycation
Doin' Nothing


  1. Yes, gotta soak up what's left of those beautiful summer nights!! Before we know it, there will be a chill in the air :)

  2. So true, Denice! Thanks for commenting!

  3. FYI: the little girl in the photo of the swimming group is my grandmother. Isn't she spunky!


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