So maybe I'm starting my weekend a little early by indulging in these summer classic treats. I know it is still the afternoon, and a weekday...it's just that the marshmallows have been staring at me since the Fourth of July (when it was Way to rainy for fires and roasting), looking so sad and forlorn. What was I supposed to do? Ignore them forever?

Naturally I had to start with a fire. Isn't this a blazer? I can't take credit, since my husband would never pass up an opportunity to light something. He was particularly pleased with the height of the flames on this baby. I think he secretly aspires to be an arsonist.

Then comes the roasting. I like my marshmallows browned but not burned.

Obviously I always fail. They catch on fire and turn to blackened crisps.
And yes...I know the photo is blurry. You try taking a photo with one hand while balancing on your heels and endeavoring to keep the white blobs from sliding off the skewer and onto the pavement with the other hand. It's not the easiest feat in the world, let me tell 'ya.

Then you put them together.

Gooey. Just like they're supposed to be.

And then, of course, you eat them.
And yes...I do smell like a campfire now. It's not even 2 p.m. Good thing my office is at home and my boss is...me.
Hope you all have a wonderful, smores filled weekend! Next week: home design! I can't wait!
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