Monday, January 5, 2009

Calling all Mavens!

One of my favorite features on this blog to write is the weekly Marketplace Maven article, which I publish on Mondays. Each week I get to tell the story of a female entrepreneur who I admire. Many of these women work from home while raising a family, or abandoned the 9-5 (like I did) for something more fulfilling, or have found a way to elevate their creative interests from hobby to career. Some of them I have met and interviewed personally, while others are women I know from a distance, through their blogs or their books or their businesses.

Because I have so much fun writing this Maven section, I am excited to start another year of Mondays featuring more inspiring women. I have a few already on my list to interview, but I need your help finding more.

I know that you know women in your life who fit the Maven profile: creative, entrepreneurial, and working for themselves in some capacity. Perhaps you, yourself, are a Maven. Well, I want to hear your story or your nominations. Therefore, I'm dedicating the month of January to search out new stories for 2009! I'm hoping that by the beginning of February I'll have a dozen or more Mavens to feature.

Please consider giving your friend, or yourself, the opportunity to motivate and encourage other women to pursue their entrepreneurial passion by sharing examples of how to do it! Send me your Maven story today, by emailing me at

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